Friday, March 13, 2009

Living Water Suggested Goals


1. To hire a part time facilities manager/custodian.
2. To find ways in which our facilities can be used to host ecumenical or para-Church ministries (such as BSF and others).
3. To teach more thoroughly about financial stewardship and giving. That more members will develop a habit of biblical giving.
4. To educate the congregation on duties of members, the role of Elders, and submission to Elders per our bylaws (2.1.3)
5. To send one new missionary to China, providing at least 50% of their financial support. Rom. 10:14-15


Youth Ministry
1. To hire a part time youth worker for high school ministry.
2. To develop a more comprehensive and vital ministry for middle schoolers.

1. To broaden the outreach of the Living Water ministry to the community generally, including other ethnic and Asian backgrounds. That the English ministry participants will become more active to invite newcomers to worship and other ministries.
2. To develop an evangelism training program for English members, and for 50% participation among adults.

1. To increase the number of participants in specific serving roles of the worship service by 25%.
2. To require all worship/music team leaders attend at least one training event (seminar, retreat, workshop, etc) in order to enhance their leadership ability.
3. To develop a zeal for punctuality among worshipers. That a dramatic shift will occur in seeing worshippers arrive on time.
4. To achieve 90% participation of members' children in worship.
5. To develop 2 age-level sections of Children's Worship.

1. To offer a Teacher Training event annually for all children's ministries, including Sunday School, Children's Worship, and AWANA.
2. To reorganize and promote the Discipleship Training offering.
3. To create a Bible Reading and Scripture Memory annual program. To gain 50% commitment of Living Water participants.

1. To develop one new Fellowship Group for young married couples (2/09).
2. To develop new ways to grow the current young adult Fellowship Group (Transitions).

1. Navajo Mission. To more clearly promote the mission trip so that parents better understand the value for youth, and more whole-families will participate. To also create post-event follow ups for Navajo Mission participants to reinforce their training.

1. To create an annual mini-retreat for all Living Water coworkers.